Following Park Rules
Our staff at We Play Loud is there to make sure that everyone has fun and all our guests are safe, sometimes that means enforcing rules or safety concerns. If a staff member addresses a concern, please make sure you or your child understand. Park rules have been made and posted to keep everyone safe, and need to be followed at all times. It is the parents/guardians responsibility to watch your child/children at ALL times and ensure the rules are followed. If our team has to ask more than once, it will result in removal from the park with NO refund.
What should we wear?
Everyone must bring their socks. Shoes, sneakers, and sandals are not permitted. If you forget socks, we have socks you can purchase. Everyone who is playing in our facility must wear socks. This is for health and safety laws and helps keep our facility clean for our patrons and ensures the longevity of our equipment. Pantyhose & baby booties are not acceptable as socks; please bring only socks.
Items like jewelry, watches and loose clothing should be removed from every adult and child prior to entering in the play area. Remember we don’t want anything getting caught, damaged or broken.
If we forgot socks, can we buy them there?
Yes! Both adult and children socks cost $4 for grip, and $2 for adult non-grip. They are brand new, and you keep them.
Can we bring in food and beverages?
You cannot carry food or beverages into the facility unless it is for a booked birthday party or event. Only baby formula & water is permitted. Baby formula, water, and any purchased snacks from our cafe must be consumed in the cafe area only.
Pre-made meals, food, baby pouches, etc are not allowed to be brought in. This is not a peanut free facility. You can go in and out of our facility to your car, etc. during your purchased block of time.
Do we need a waiver to enter?
Yes! All parents or guardians must sign a waiver before entry into our facility. Please see our waiver pages here: HUNTINGTON BEACH and LAKE FOREST. Create an account with the guardian’s names and add the child participants. When arriving, you must have a legal form of identification. (drivers license or government issued I.D.)
Do you have a height requirement?
Our indoor playground is for children 51 inches and below. This is the national average for a 7 year old. If you have any older or taller children attending your group they WILL be permitted into the facility, however they will be treated as an adult.
Adults are ONLY permitted to play in the bounce house, go up & down the 4-person slide, and play in the first floor foam ball area. All other rides and play areas are strictly prohibited. Any adults or larger children not playing safely around our smaller children/guests will be asked to leave without any refund.
If you booked a birthday party and have relatives and guests with older children – these rules still apply. Any guests of your birthday party that do not abide by these rules will be immediately removed from the facility. The safety of our children/guests is our primary concern.
Do you have an area for toddlers?
Yes! We have a fully gated toddler area that is for children less than 3 years of age. If your child is 3 or older, they will not be permitted under any circumstance to play in this area; regardless of medical condition, handicap, etc. These age rules do not discriminate and apply to EVERYONE and protect the safety of the children.
Parents/guardians are required to accompany their toddler children in the play area at all times.
Do you have security policy in place to protect the children?
Parents/guardians are responsible for their children at all times. No exceptions and regardless to the fact that We Play Loud has staff monitoring the facility.
Parents & children are given stickers that identify a time stamp only. This is for monitoring staff to observe only.
Adults without children are not allowed to enter the facility or only under the direct supervision of a We Play Loud staff member. Adults without children are not allowed to take pictures of our facility. When taking pictures inside our facility with your child make sure if another child is in your picture frame; first ask the parent if it is okay with them to take the picture.
Do I have to stay with my child(ren) at all times?
Parental supervision is required at ALL TIMES. This is not a daycare. No drop offs. There must be one legal guardian responsible for monitoring their children at all times while they play in our facility. Parents sitting in the cafe should routinely check on their children.
What are your rules for conduct while playing?
Any rude, rough play, or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated by any child or adult. In the event a child or adult violates this policy, they will be asked to leave with NO refund. Using inappropriate language will also result in your removal. Patrons are required to follow the requests of We Play Loud staff members immediately and at all times.
What if we lose something?
Please understand, We Play Loud is NOT responsible for any lost, damaged, or forgotten items. If you are missing something please email [email protected] regarding the item you are missing so we can check our lost & found for you. Items left longer than 10 days and are not claimed will be donated or thrown away.
How much are tickets?
Open Play: We charge $21.00 per child, adults are free of charge.
- 2-Hour Play Pass: $21.00 per child
- All Day Play: $26.00 per child
How long is our ticket good for?
The admission ticket is for 2 hours from the time of purchase and check-in. However, if it rains or is a holiday, your admission ticket could vary based on current offerings. We are open from Mon-Thurs: 10am-6pm and Fri-Sun: 10am-7pm. If you arrive an hour before close, the normal ticket rate price applies. There are no discounts or prorated tickets.
What if my child isn't feeling well?
If your child is not feeling well, coughing, running a fever, or visibly sick they should not be brought into our facility. Any child visibly deemed to not be feeling well will not be allowed entry. Any child that vomits or has a bloody nose will be asked to leave immediately; no refunds granted.
Children with casts or recent medical conditions are not advised to play at our facility; however the guardian legally makes that decision on behalf of the child and accepts all responsibility. We take the safety and well-being of the children playing here very seriously and want to protect all our guests…please use common courtesy.